If you’re a primary teacher, you know that we not only have to help little ones learn HOW to read, we also have to tackle some pretty challenging comprehension standards on top of that! It’s a BIG job!
Here are some resources I use to help my first graders and I hope you will find them helpful, too!
Anchor Charts and Posters Focused on the Reading Standard
Each year, I make anchor charts with my students that focus on the standards as we work on them. We review it at the start of each lesson and add onto it during our lessons. I keep it posted during our focus on that standard.
Recently, I made these posters for each standard! I can keep a few recent ones posted in the classroom for student reference since they’re much smaller than my anchor charts! You can grab them HERE!
Reading Literature (RL) Passages and Questions 1st Grade
After working on the reading standard for a few days with mentor texts and our anchor charts, we use some of my standards-based reading passages to practice.
For our first passage activity, we do the whole activity page together. I read the questions first so we will know what we are focusing on and listening for. Then, I read the passage twice. After that, we work on finding the answers together and discussing how we came up with our answers.
On the second passage activity, I allow students to work independently or with a partner. I usually do one or two more, where students work independently. Then, I will be able to take a grade, see who needs to be pulled into a small group for extra focus, and see how students are understanding the standard overall. I can also use these passages in our reading groups for students who need some assistance or review.
I know expectations vary by site, but I always read the passages for my students who need it. That way, I’m not assessing their reading fluency or accuracy, but their ability on the actual standard. I relate this to taking the MAP Assessment (or whatever your district/state does). For longer, more involved passages, they are generally read aloud to K and 1 students.
Reading Informational (RI) Passages and Questions 1st Grade
Digging into nonfiction/informational text is one of our favorite activities! I use my informational reading passages basically the same way that I use the literature reading passages. However, there are a couple of work pages where students use an actual informational book from our classroom library to answer the questions.
So, again, our first passage activity is done together. I read the questions first so we will know what we are focusing on and listening for. Then, I read the passage twice. After that, we work on finding the answers together and discussing how we came up with our answers.
On the second passage activity, I allow students to work independently or with a partner. If they need to use informational books, this is the time I introduce that. I usually do one or two more passages, where students work independently. Then, I will be able to take a grade, see who needs to be pulled into a small group for extra focus, and see how students are understanding the standard overall.
This pack has 10 passages for each standard. A total of over 170 reading passages to cover the 1st grade literature and informational standards. Click HERE to get this amazing pack!
Would you like to try 17 FREE 1st grade reading passages?
Get this pack of 17 reading comprehension passages! It has a sample passage for each first grade common core RL and RI standard (1.1-1.9)…17 1st grade reading worksheets in all! If you don’t use common core standards, these reading passages and activities are still perfect for concepts taught to first grade readers.
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Teaching!
Jennifer ~ Practical Primary Teacher
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